Gerry's General Contractor Advice

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Gerry's General Contractor Advice

Hey, there! My name is Gerry and I am the guy that everyone comes to when they need advice about hiring and working with general contractors. I don't work in the industry myself, but over the years I have hired lots of general contractors and asked them to carry out work on my property and land. After hiring lots of general contractors, you develop a good understanding of how the sector operates and the different skills that general contractors can bring to the table. I love to give advice so I decided to write a few things down on this blog.


The Benefits Of Buying Your Building Supplies In Bulk

26 January 2024
 Categories: , Blog

Building projects, big or small, can be expensive. You'll need everything from lumber and cement to wiring to get the work done. Purchasing your supplies in bulk might not seem like the best idea since it demands a large initial investment. However, it can help you save money in the long run. Bulk buying is becoming increasingly popular in different industries due to its financial benefits. Are you considering buying your building supplies in bulk but you are still uncertain about the gains? Read More …

Why You Should Choose Plasterboard for a Home Renovation

18 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Are you planning to renovate your home? Are you tired of your old, outdated walls? Still, wall renovation can be daunting, especially if you're unfamiliar with the available options, although many people in your situation will choose plasterboard, a top choice for home renovation. What do you need to know about its benefits? Versatility Plasterboard can be used for a variety of different purposes, including wall lining, ceilings, partitions and decorative finishes. Read More …

3 Interesting Features To Include When Building A New Home

18 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Are you in the process of building a new home? If so, you may be wondering what features to include. There are many fantastic options out there, it can be challenging to decide on just a few. This blog post will discuss three exciting features you may want to consider adding to your new home. Read on to discover more! 1. A home cinema A home cinema will provide a space for entertaining friends and family or simply relaxing after a long day. Read More …

Characteristics To Look for When Shopping for Timber Building Supplies

20 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Timber building supplies are widely used in an array of residential construction projects, and this popularity can be attributed to the advantages that it offers. This material is not only readily available but is economical too, making it a great option for individuals that are looking for building supplies on short notice and on a tight budget. Secondly, the classic appeal of timber coupled with its easy workability makes it ideal if you are looking to construct an aesthetically pleasing structure without having to bear expensive labour costs. Read More …

Are You Starting a Construction Project? Here Are the Benefits of Getting the Right Safety Equipment

28 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

The construction process involves exposure to many safety and health hazards. Some of the common hazards that you will be exposed to during construction include heights, hazardous chemicals, sharp machinery, getting hit by falling objects, electrical hazards and slip and fall accidents. When you are managing a construction site, any injury or damage that happens under your watch are your liability. The best way to protect yourself from these liabilities is by getting the right safety equipment for all your construction site workers. Read More …